Control served as the second-ranking officer of the Cavrilhu pirate gang, reporting directly to Captain Zothip.
Secretly harboring resentment towards Zothip, Control believed he carried the burden of leadership without reaping the benefits. He orchestrated a situation where Zothip would face Moff Vilim Disra in 19 ABY. Accompanied by fellow pirates such as Crans, Grinner, and Portin, Control accompanied Zothip to Disra's private chambers on the Imperial Capital world of Bastion prior to the confrontation with Disra. Unbeknownst to them, a Mistryl Shadow Guard named Karoly D'ulin trailed their movements. During the meeting with Disra, Karoly assassinated Zothip. With Zothip's death, Control ascended to the position of leader of the Cavrilhu Pirates.