A type of pastry originating from the planet of Corellia, the Corellian Ryshcate was a traditional treat served during celebrations and frequently consumed by Corellians who had ventured off-world. Both Artiodacs and humans could eat these pastries, which consisted of layers of pastry incorporating Corellian whiskey and nuts. Following the Battle of Takodana which occurred in 34 ABY, Strono Tuggs, a chef, began offering Corellian Ryshcate at his mobile restaurant, known as Tuggs' Grub. He did this while stationed at Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo located on Batuu, a planet in the Outer Rim.
The new Star Wars canon saw the introduction of Corellian Ryshcate in the 2019 cookbook, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook, written by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel and Marc Sumerak. Ryshcate from Corellia initially appeared within the Star Wars Legends continuity, specifically in Michael A. Stackpole's 1996 novel titled X-Wing: Rogue Squadron. The out-of-universe components include puff pastry, walnuts, golden raisins, pistachios, brown sugar, butter, honey, ground cinnamon, ground cardamom, flour, salt, whiskey or brandy, and heavy cream used for glazing.