The Corellian Slaver Bunker functioned as the headquarters for the Corellian slavers during the time of the Galactic Civil War. It was situated in proximity to the city of Tyrena on the planet Corellia.
Following the Battle of Yavin, the Corellian slavers utilized the Corellian Slaver Bunker as a subterranean prison and base of operations. Within its confines, numerous Corellians were enslaved, including individuals such as Kyran Silene, Noro Bok, Akkus Meik, Anyza Ekull, Gordo Zek, Zorgom, Norith, Neeka Z'all, Bannoc G'noc, Narlissa, Vermon Skeetz, Dulor Norr, and Akers Radch.

In 1 ABY, a group of enslaved individuals, counting Anyza Ekull, Zorgom and Norith Z'all, Bannoc G'noc, and Vermon Skeetz, successfully broke free from the slaver bunker under the leadership of Kyran Silene. However, they failed to reach Tyrena and were compelled to set up a camp in the surrounding wilderness.
Meanwhile, Madison Silene, Kyran Silene's wife, hired a spacer to look into her husband's disappearance. The spacer, after eliminating Faye Patrick, a slaver, located the escaped slaves' camp. The spacer then agreed to provide assistance to the former slaves and proceeded to the Corellian Slaver Bunker. After battling multiple guards, the spacer successfully infiltrated the bunker. With the cooperation of several slaves, the spacer managed to reach the deepest parts of the bunker and even killed the slavemaster. Ultimately, the spacer hacked into the bunker's primary computer system. Using the bunker's communication systems, the spacer transmitted the slavers' records on the CorSec emergency channels. Consequently, numerous CorSec agents swiftly arrived at the slaver bunker and liberated all the enslaved individuals.
The Corellian Slaver Bunker was featured as a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. The Corellian Slaver Bunker became a part of the game through the "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives" update, which was released on June 8, 2006.