Kyran Silene, a Zabrak male, made his home on Corellia during the Galactic Civil War era.
When the Battle of Yavin occurred, Kyran Silene resided in Tyrena. He was married to Madison Silene and maintained a friendship with Bandor Mokk.
At one juncture, Corellian slavers captured Kyran Silene, forcing him into slavery within the Corellian Slaver Bunker located near Tyrena. In 1 ABY, Kyran spearheaded a slave escape from the bunker. However, instead of reaching Tyrena, these escaped slaves established a camp in the surrounding wilderness. Simultaneously, Madison reached out to a spacer, the same one who had previously assisted her friend Angela in locating her own missing husband. This spacer questioned Bandor Mokk, who eventually confessed that Kyran Silene had been captured by slavers but had subsequently escaped. The spacer then journeyed to the escaped slaves' camp. Kyran Silene explained his inability to return until the situation was resolved. Consequently, the spacer infiltrated the Corellian Slaver Bunker and used their computer skills to slice into the bunker's main system. Using the bunker's communication array, the spacer broadcasted the slavers' records across the CorSec emergency channels. Promptly, numerous CorSec agents descended upon the slaver bunker, liberating all the enslaved individuals. Ultimately, Kyran Silene resumed a normal life alongside Madison.
Within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, Kyran Silene existed as a non-player character. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was the product of development by Sony Online Entertainment, with publishing handled by LucasArts, prior to the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. Kyran Silene's introduction to the game occurred through the "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives" update, which went live on June 8, 2006.