Angela was a Human female character residing on the planet Corellia during the era of the Galactic Civil War.

At the time that the Battle of Yavin occurred, Angela made her home in Coronet City alongside her spouse, Ilyamo.
1 ABY saw Ilyamo and Angela travel to Doaba Guerfel because of Ilyamo's desire to hike. Ilyamo became part of a hiking group in the Thaos Mountains, accompanied by the ranger Myron Beech. However, the entire group mysteriously vanished. In desperation, she implored a spacer, dispatched by Commander Talte of the Corellian Security Force, to locate him. The spacer eventually learned that the hikers had been taken captive by deranged cave-dwellers, an organization opposed to the government and involved in criminal activities. CorSec then launched an assault on the cave where the hostages were held, successfully liberating them, including Ilyamo.
Later, Angela strongly suggested the spacer who had rescued her husband to her acquaintance Madison Silene after her own husband, Kyran, went missing.
Angela functioned as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. Angela's inclusion in the game occurred with the "Publish 28," update, which was released on April 26, 2006.