A cavern, situated on the world of Corellia, functioned as the operational headquarters for the cave-dwellers during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, the cavern was inhabited by the cave-dwellers, a Corellian faction of criminals acting against the government, who were under the leadership of Raynod Menar.

In the year 1 ABY, the psychotic cave-dwellers took captive two different groups of hikers within the Thaos Mountains. Ilyamo, along with other hikers, were held as prisoners inside the cavern. Consequently, Commander Talte of the Corellian Security Force employed a spacer to conduct an investigation into the disappearances of the hikers. The spacer engaged in combat with several cave-dwellers at the location where the second group vanished. Utilizing a communicator discovered on a deceased body, the spacer successfully pinpointed the cavern's location by triangulating a signal. Ultimately, CorSec launched an assault on the cavern and successfully liberated the hostages.
The cave used by the psychotic cave-dwellers was featured in the video game known as Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its termination on December 15, 2011. The addition of the cave to the game occurred with the release of "Publish 28," which took place on April 26, 2006.