
Narlissa was a female being who existed on the planet Corellia during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Narlissa was taken prisoner by Corellian slavers. She was forced into slavery within the Corellian Slaver Bunker located close to Tyrena. While she was held captive, she encountered a Bith named Bannoc G'noc, and the two became romantically involved. In 1 ABY, Bannoc successfully escaped the bunker alongside a group of other slaves, with Kyran Silene leading them. Unfortunately, Narlissa was not among those who escaped. The group of escaped slaves did not make it to Tyrena, and instead set up a camp in the surrounding wilderness. Later, a spacer, who was hired by Kyran Silene's wife, arrived at the camp. The spacer intended to infiltrate the slaver bunker in order to find proof of the slavers' activities for the Corellian Security Force. This spacer also met Bannoc G'noc and agreed to attempt to rescue Narlissa during their mission into the bunker. Sadly, Narlissa had been executed by the slavers in the time that had passed. Upon entering the bunker, the spacer was able to reach the detention cells with the assistance of a guard who was experiencing significant remorse for their involvement with the slavers. The spacer eventually discovered Narlissa's body and retrieved her personal diary to give to Bannoc G'noc.

Behind the scenes

Every possible depiction of Narlissa
Randomly generated depiction of Narlissa

Narlissa was a NPC within the 2003 computer game Star Wars Galaxies, a MMORPG created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Narlissa was included in the game through the update called "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," which was released on June 8, 2006.

