Corosi 7, a terrestrial satellite, possessed a surface composed of rock and was classified as a moon. During the year 1 ABY, the celebrated figures of the Rebel Alliance, namely Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo, made their escape from the Galactic Empire's assault that targeted their base situated at the Mako-Ta Space Docks. They utilized a Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier for this purpose, eventually setting down the ship on Corosi 7. It was there that they intercepted a communication originating from Chancellor Mon Mothma. Given the extensive damage sustained by the carrier, Solo subsequently guided the group to the moon known as Nar Shaddaa. His intention was to solicit assistance from his fellow smuggler, Sana Starros, in providing transport via her vessel, the Volt Cobra.
The initial appearance of Corosi 7 occurred in the fifty-fifth issue of the Star Wars comic-book series from 2015. This particular issue was authored by Kieron Gillen, with illustrations contributed by Salvador Larroca. Marvel Comics served as the publishing entity, releasing the issue on October 3, 2018.