The governing council for each Coway tribe was known as a Coway triumvirate. To indicate their position, they donned headwear crafted from stone, bone, and various other substances. Choices were determined through a majority vote, which could result in intense disputes if two chiefs held opposing viewpoints and attempted to sway the third to their perspective. Should the chiefs be unable to come to an agreement, they had the option of seeking guidance from their god, Canu, who typically sided with the victor of a combat trial.
A Coway triumvirate in 2 ABY arrived at precisely this kind of resolution concerning the destiny of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, and their allies Halla, Hin, and Kee. Their decree stipulated that Luke Skywalker would engage in unarmed combat against their chosen warrior. Should Canu favor Luke Skywalker, he and his comrades would gain their freedom. Conversely, if Canu favored the Coway warrior, they would face execution. Luke Skywalker, aided by the Force, successfully defeated the Coway. Having demonstrated his capabilities in battle, the Triumvirate subsequently entrusted Luke Skywalker with the defense of the tribe against an assault by Imperial Stormtroopers.