
The Creator is a deity referenced by the Geonosians inhabiting the Outer Rim planet of Geonosis. Following the Vallt rescue operation that saved Galen Erso in 21 BBY, Archduke Poggle the Lesser journeyed back to Geonosis. There, at the Eve of Meckgin Festival held within the Petranaki Arena, he declared in the Geonosian language that the Creator had favored him, allowing his return to Geonosis just in time for the Meckgin celebration. Further, he announced that the Geonosian hives were fortunate to possess their region of the galaxy exclusively, which, according to him, guaranteed their autonomy in shaping their future and development.

Behind the scenes

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, a 2016 novel authored by James Luceno, contains a reference to the Creator.

