The Eve of Meckgin Festival was a celebratory event held on the planet of Geonosis. It was observed immediately before the Meckgin holiday, which honored the Geonosian values related to productivity and labor. In the era of the Clone Wars, the Geonosian Archduke, Poggle the Lesser, made his way back to Geonosis after his period of imprisonment, and his arrival coincided with the Eve of Meckgin.

The Geonosian celebration known as the Eve of Meckgin Festival was a day that preceded Meckgin, a holiday focused on the Geonosian dedication to industry. This event occurred during the rainy season on the planet. In the days leading up to the festival, the Petranaki Arena hosted three days of gladiatorial contests, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Geonosian drones. Combat was also a part of the festival itself, within the arena. Wealthy Geonosian aristocrats paid handsomely for seats in the arena, eager to be splashed with the gore from these gladiatorial events, while the rest of the stadium was packed with a hundred thousand other spectators.

During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, Archduke Poggle the Lesser was released from Republic custody and returned to Geonosis. This return was contingent on the Geonosians providing assistance with a Republic project. Poggle arrived back on his homeworld on the Eve of Meckgin, just in time to participate in the celebrations. Poggle addressed the Geonosian population in the Petranaki Arena. Several Republic representatives, including Orson Callan Krennic, Sate Pestage, Janus Greejatus, Ars Dangor, and Sly Moore, were present to witness the festivities. Poggle announced to the assembled Geonosians that they would be working alongside the Galactic Republic to construct a moon-sized battle station.
The Eve of Meckgin Festival was featured in Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, a 2016 book authored by James Luceno.