Janus Greejatus

Janus Greejatus, a male human, held a position as an official within the Ruling Council of the Galactic Empire. Before the Age of the Empire, he acted as a representative for Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's office during Poggle the Lesser's return to the planet Geonosis. Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the establishment of the New Order, Greejatus remained in service to Palpatine, who had become the Emperor of the galaxy. His life ended when the Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star.


During the Clone Wars, a widespread galactic conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Janus Greejatus worked as a Senior Advisor to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. He was present at the homecoming ceremony for Poggle the Lesser on Geonosis, which took place in the Petranaki Arena, along with other notable figures such as Ars Dangor, Sly Moore, Sate Pestage, and Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic.

Greejatus as an adviser to the Emperor.

After Palpatine's ascension to Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Greejatus continued his service as one of his most trusted advisers. He acted as if he were a god on his homeworld. By 14 BBY, he held a position within the Imperial Ruling Council, a governing body composed of the Emperor's advisers responsible for the Empire's day-to-day operations.

In the years leading up to the Galactic Civil War, Greejatus, along with his colleague Sim Aloo, was assigned the task of gathering Sith artifacts from across the galaxy for their master. The Emperor had heard reports of a book containing dark power that was protected by monsters within a forest on the planet Ushruu, and he wanted it for himself. Greejatus employed a group of Trandoshans to acquire the book from Ushruu, but the Trandoshans were devoured by the queen snarler, causing Greejatus' plan to fail.

In 4 ABY, Greejatus accompanied the Emperor on the second Death Star. Along with the other five advisers present, he died when the battle station was destroyed during the Battle of Endor.

Personality and traits

Janus Greejatus was a thin male human of a short height, with brown hair and a fair complexion. His face was puffy, and his eyes were dark and sunken. Like the other members of the Imperial Ruling Council, he wore loose-fitting robes in loud colors and large hats, which were similar to the clothing worn by Naboo noblemen.

Behind the scenes

Janus Greejatus initially appeared as an unnamed Imperial advisor in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, released in 1983 as the concluding film of the Star Wars original trilogy. The character, played by an uncredited extra, was not named until the Star Wars Customizable Card Game pack Death Star II Limited from Star Wars Legends used the name "Janus Greejatus." The name was later brought into canon with its inclusion in James Luceno's 2014 novel, Tarkin.

Nilo Rodis-Jamero designed Greejatus' costume. Rodis-Jamero considered the Imperial advisors' look to be among the most interesting designs from Return of the Jedi, believing that their appearance needed to convey the nature of the world in which the Emperor existed. Rodis-Jamero drew inspiration from Catholic bishops, incorporating red colors and elaborate headwear.

The Databank entry for Janus Greejatus does not explicitly state his death, only mentioning that it could be assumed he died when the second Death Star was destroyed, but his fate was unconfirmed. However, the Star Wars Helmet Collection's tenth issue confirmed that Greejatus died on the second Death Star.

