Cuyacan, a planet situated within the Slice and Expansion Region at grid coordinates P-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid, was home to a princess at an unspecified time following the fall of the Galactic Empire. Legend has it that Ana Tolla, a notorious smuggler, pilfered a diamond choker directly from the [princess](/article/princess] while the royal still had it secured around her neck.
Following the Garsea family's departure from the planet Batuu around 21 ABY, the Frinn Mak Traveling Circus, en route to Cuyacan, came to the aid of Izal Garsea, a smuggler whose starship, the Meridian, was adrift in space due to fuel depletion. Eloc Throno, a historian, featured Cuyacan on a map within his book, Traveler's Guide to Batuu, which saw publication in 34 ABY.
The initial reference to Cuyacan appeared in A Crash of Fate, a 2019 novel authored by Zoraida Córdova.