Czerka-93U hunting rifle

The Czerka-93U hunting rifle, a ballistic weapon, originated from the manufacturing facilities of Czerka Arms.


Designed for precision, this rifle was intended for hunting animals and had a magazine capacity of four rounds. Although classified as a hunting rifle, a solitary Czerka-93U rifle found its way into the hands of the Office of the Constable, the modest law enforcement team responsible for maintaining order at the Niima Outpost on the world of Jakku. An added targeting computer was affixed to it, however, the planet's arid desert climate negatively impacted the optical components, leading to minimal operational use. During a certain period, the CZ-series secretary/business communications droid known as CZ-1G5 pilfered the rifle and later handed it over to a dilapidated BD-3000 luxury droid. When Constable Zuvio chased CZ-1G5 into the Jakku wilderness, the BD-3000 attempted to surprise Zuvio using the Czerka-93U. Zuvio, familiar with the weapon's operation and its flawed optics, exploited these deficiencies against the droid, creating an opportunity for him to fatally shoot the droid dead with his personal sidearm.

