Zuvio was a Kyuzo male law enforcement officer. He lived roughly thirty years following the Battle of Endor. He functioned as the constable for Niima Outpost. Niima Outpost was a trading hub on the otherwise lawless planet of Jakku. Zuvio was in charge of both the Niima Outpost Militia and the Office of the Constable. He dispensed justice alongside his deputies, Drego and Streehn, when necessary. One time, Zuvio investigated the theft of a starship belonging to Kubaz Rikard Lovas. The culprit seemed to be the constable office secretary droid, CZ-1G5.
Zuvio pursued CZ-1G5 across the desert of Jakku, fighting a group of other droids along the way. The pursuit culminated in a shootout between the two, with Zuvio emerging victorious. CZ-1G5 fell to the ground, defeated by Zuvio's quick draw. However, it turned out the droid had been reprogrammed to take the fall for the real criminal: Lovas. The Kubaz's scheme was exposed, and Zuvio sentenced Lovas to life imprisonment for his crimes against the people of Niima Outpost. CZ-1G5 was then reinstated at the Office of the Constable.
Later, Zuvio and a deputy were working in the Niima marketplace when First Order TIE/fo starfighters attacked the outpost. They were tracking a fugitive droid.
At some point, Zuvio made his home on the planet Jakku, residing in the emerging settlement of Niima Outpost. As the need for order grew, so did the need for someone to police those who preyed on their fellow settlers. Consequently, Zuvio was appointed constable. This role placed him in charge of both the Office of the Constable and the Niima Outpost Militia. His two cousins, Drego and Streehn, became his deputies, responsible for patrols and other duties. Zuvio's responsibilities kept him occupied, leaving him little free time. His duties included monitoring incoming and outgoing starships, investigating theft and assault cases, questioning ship captains, and handling paperwork.
One of the benefits of Zuvio's position as constable was the part-time use of Niima's CZ secretary droid, CZ-1G5. Despite CZ-1G5's age, which Zuvio estimated to be around three hundred years, the droid was remarkably efficient. He greatly simplified Zuvio's paperwork. The droid also accommodated Zuvio's preference for physical paper over digital documents. Over time, Zuvio began to consider CZ-1G5 his closest confidant.

On a particularly hot day on Jakku, Zuvio was struggling with paperwork because CZ-1G5 was absent. When CZ-1G5 finally appeared, Zuvio found the droid's tardiness and demeanor peculiar. However, before he could investigate, an explosion occurred outside the office. Zuvio hurried to the scene alone and discovered a damaged banking ship. The ship belonged to the Kubaz banker, Rikard Lovas. Lovas was a frequent visitor to Jakku, managing financial transactions involving credits for the Western Reaches Exchange and the people of Niima.
By the time Zuvio arrived, Drego and Streehn were already investigating the explosion. Zuvio tasked the deputies with controlling the crowd while Lovas confronted the Niima constable about the damage to his ship. After a quick inspection, Zuvio found the cargo hold empty and the computer core devoid of financial records. Constable Zuvio determined that the ship had been robbed. Although Lovas claimed this was impossible due to the core's encryption, Zuvio noticed the core used the same encryption module as the one in his office. Zuvio quickly suspected CZ-1G5, who was equipped to access such modules, due to the droid's earlier behavior. When the constable returned to his office, CZ-1G5 was gone, having taken the office's weapon supply and a speeder bike.
Zuvio grabbed his only remaining weapon, a small blaster pistol, and planned to pursue the rogue secretary droid into the desert using the office's second speeder. Knowing that CZ-1G5 couldn't afford to leave the planet by purchasing a ship in Niima, Zuvio reasoned that the droid would head to an abandoned smugglers camp used for hiding ships and avoiding docking fees. Constable Zuvio contacted his deputies and instructed them to forward any evidence they found regarding the robbery investigation to his personal comm system before he ventured into the Jakku wastelands. However, Zuvio was confused as to why CZ-1G5 was suddenly betraying the Niima community.
CZ-1G5's trail was easy for the experienced lawman to follow. The office speeders left distinct patterns in the sand due to their low altitude. The trail led to an abandoned freighter that had been hastily converted into a two-story moisture farm by former residents. Approaching the compound, Zuvio realized he had underestimated the droid's intelligence. Slamming on the brakes, Zuvio narrowly avoided being sniped at by a rogue, rusted BD-3000 luxury droid from the farmhouse. The droid was using a Czerka-93U hunting rifle, one of the weapons CZ-1G5 had stolen. Zuvio jumped from the speeder and dodged a second shot that destroyed the repulsorcraft. Discovering that his comlink was jammed, Zuvio hid to avoid a third shot from his distant attacker. However, Zuvio now had the advantage.
Knowing the weapon being used against him, Zuvio knew that the four-shot rifle had only one round left before requiring a three-second reload. Furthermore, the weapon had a faulty aftermarket targeting computer prone to malfunctions due to Jakku's grit. Zuvio had never bothered to replace it because he didn't need it; the Kyuzo possessed excellent long-range vision. Taking a gamble, Zuvio stood up and threw sand into the air to disrupt the targeting computer. As expected, the next shot missed, and Zuvio retaliated with three shots from his own pistol, incapacitating the luxury droid. However, a J57 cam droid had witnessed the exchange and revealed itself while attempting to escape. Realizing his adversaries were droids, Zuvio jumped from his hiding place and ran towards the farmhouse. Another attacker tried to shoot him but failed, allowing Zuvio to reach the farmhouse roof.
He kicked through a second-story window and encountered a larger droid force, including the broken-down astromech droid B33, a RIC-series general labor droid, a WED Treadwell repair droid, a DD-13 medical assistant droid, and an MSE droid. Zuvio fought them all, exploiting their weaknesses and causing them to eliminate each other. Recovering from the brawl, Zuvio spotted CZ-1G5 running from the room and gave chase.

Zuvio's pursuit was quickly interrupted by an EG-6 power droid strapped with the constable office's supply of grenades. Zuvio retreated into the previous room and jumped back through the window as the suicidal power droid exploded. Injured and exhausted, Zuvio picked himself up and noticed the heavily damaged but still functioning B33, whom he had kicked out of the window during the fight. To his surprise, the droid had a restraining bolt, indicating that the droids were not rogue but under someone else's control.
Zuvio moved on, recalling that CZ-1G5 had also been wearing a foreign restraining bolt. CZ-1G5's sand-prints, zigzagging across the sand, led the constable to his friend, who had run out of places to hide. Saddened by the potential outcome of their inevitable confrontation, Zuvio approached the droid. However, Zuvio considered that CZ-1G5 might have been reprogrammed. Holstering his pistol, Zuvio called out to the droid, admitting he hadn't inspected the droid closely enough earlier in the day to notice the restraining bolt on its chassis.
Piecing together what he knew, Zuvio spoke to the droid, trying to understand CZ-1G5's change, refusing to believe the droid had simply turned evil and assembled a droid posse. However, CZ-1G5 claimed he had always been bad and a bank robber, a claim Zuvio doubted since CZ-1G5 was unaware of what happened to the money records that vanished from the ship.
Confused and agitated, the droid warned the constable of potential violence as Zuvio closed the distance between them. Eventually, Zuvio's questions inadvertently caused CZ-1G5 to reveal that the real mastermind behind the robbery was Rikard Lovas, the banking ship's owner. Satisfied, Zuvio made one last attempt at peace before being forced to shoot the droid dead.
Zuvio returned to Niima Outpost with CZ-1G5's remains, arriving at the constable's office just in time to shoot down one of Lovas' droids attacking his deputies. During Zuvio's absence, Drego and Streehn had also figured out the crime's timeline and confronted Lovas. The Kubaz responded by trying to kill them with another "rogue droid." Lovas was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his crimes against Niima and the constable's office, although Drego felt the punishment was too lenient. The constable's office also confiscated Lovas' personal bacta supply to treat those injured in the bombing. The office considered Lovas' plan foolish, as the laundering scheme could have easily been discovered by Niima's government accountants. CZ-1G5 was rebuilt and returned to serving the Niima community alongside a repaired and reprogrammed B33. Neither Zuvio nor CZ-1G5 felt much remorse for Lovas' fate. Overall, Zuvio felt that a day spent foiling a corrupt banker's plot was preferable to a quiet one.
Thirty years after the Battle of Endor, Constable Zuvio remained in Niima Outpost, leading the Niima Outpost Militia. After soldiers of the First Order attacked the Jakku village of Tuanul, Zuvio was present in Niima the following day when scouting First Order stormtroopers pursued two individuals harboring a fugitive droid. The fugitives ran past Zuvio and a deputy during their escape, shortly before TIE/fo fighters opened fire on the outpost.
Constable Zuvio, a man of few words from Kyuzo, possessed an unwavering sense of justice that was impervious to bribery. He was honorable and tough, performing his duties to the best of his abilities and earning a reputation within the Niima community. Despite this, Zuvio's office was still known to answer to Unkar Plutt, the Niima junk boss who controlled Niima through intimidation and force. Zuvio also displayed loyalty to those close to him, as demonstrated by his desperate attempts to reason with CZ-1G5 against his modified programming. Zuvio immediately regretted shooting the droid, but he brought him back to Niima to be repaired, reprogrammed, and reinstated as a fixture in the community, allowing their friendship to continue. Constable Zuvio's pursuit of CZ-1G5 also demonstrated his resourcefulness and tenacity. He exploited the attacking droids' weaknesses—when B33 accidentally latched its cable onto the DD-13 droid, Zuvio kicked the astromech droid out of a window, pulling the DD-13 along with it—while ignoring his own injuries to confront his friend and solve the robbery case. Zuvio was also able to piece together elements of the crime using the available evidence and successfully used reverse psychology to get CZ-1G5 to reveal Lovas' involvement in the robbery.
Zuvio was known for his perpetually disgruntled expression, characterized by a furrowed brow and squinted eyes. However, this was simply due to the Kyuzo having poor short-range vision, which he could slightly improve by squinting. His farsightedness, on the other hand, was excellent, to the point where he didn't need optics on his weapons to improve his accuracy. His eyes were also useful for spotting trouble, and locals who ventured too close to visiting starships often found themselves under Zuvio's intense gaze.

Constable Zuvio was a Kyuzo standing 1.6 meters tall, with yellow eyes and grayish-pink skin, often described as simply gray.
Constable Zuvio wore tight-fitting fabric clothing that covered most of his body and face to protect his skin from Jakku's harsh environment. He wore green and red-colored body armor over it, including shoulder plates, a breastplate, and gauntlets. He also wore a Kyuzo war helmet decorated in the same colors as his body armor. At least two other members of the Niima militia wore similar body armor and helmets. Zuvio's weaponry included a small, concealable blaster pistol and a large staff with a blade. He also carried a Czerka-built rifle with an aftermarket targeting computer. The computer was faulty, but Zuvio never bothered to replace it because he was proficient with the weapon even without it. He also carried a large backpack with an antenna-like device protruding from the top. Zuvio owned a quadjumper equipped with seismic charges.
Zuvio was created for the sequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which premiered on December 18, 2015. Before the film's release, Zuvio first appeared in the short story "High Noon on Jakku" by Landry Q. Walker, published on December 1 of that year. Zuvio receives a mention by name in Ryder Windham's introduction to the 2024 reference book Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy, however, the character is not granted his own entry in the book.