
B33 was an droid of the astromech variety, and was the property of Rikard Lovas, a banker of the Kubaz species. Equipped with a restraining bolt, B33 participated as a member of Lovas' droid group and was an active participant in the Kubaz's scheme to stage a false robbery of his own starship. B33, along with several other droids, was positioned at an abandoned farmhouse located on the planet of Jakku. Lovas' scheme involved having CZ-1G5, a reprogrammed secretary droid, to sabotage his ship and then erase the financial records from the ship's computer, thereby creating the illusion of a robbery carried out by a rogue droid. When Zuvio, a Constable and lawman from Niima Outpost, pursued CZ-1G5 into the desert, B33 and the other droids launched an attack, buying time for Lovas. During the fight off with the constable, the astromech droid sustained significant damage and was ejected from a second-story window. Following the exposure of Lovas' plot by the Office of the Constable, B33 was repaired and reprogrammed, subsequently becoming an employee of the constable's office.


Heist on Jakku

B33, an astromech droid with orange and green coloration, was owned by Rikard Lovas, a Kubaz banker who traveled and managed the monetary assets of the residents of Niima Outpost, a settlement situated on the planet of Jakku. At some point, Lovas installed a restraining bolt on B33 to prevent the droid from escaping his control. While functioning in a state of disrepair, B33 was programmed with a hostile personality, enabling it to behave aggressively.

Indebted to the Irving Boys due to gambling losses, Lovas conceived a plan to misappropriate the money of the Niima settlers by deleting their financial account records, thus creating the appearance of missing funds. To divert suspicion from himself, Lovas gathered B33 and his other droids at an abandoned moisture farm located in the desert of Jakku. At some point, Lovas kidnapped and reprogrammed CZ-1G5, a secretary droid employed by the Office of the Constable, and reprogrammed the droid to lead the droid posse and pull off the fake heist. Following the damage to Lovas' starship caused by explosives, CZ-1G5 erased the financial records, stole weapons from the constable's office, and fled towards the moisture farm on a stolen speeder bike. At the farm, B33 and the other droids prepared to defend against Constable Zuvio, whom they anticipated would follow. Although the credits appeared to have been stolen, they had merely been hidden, and awaited transfer to Lovas' personal account.

Desert duel

Constable Zuvio heavily damaged B33 during their confrontation.

As predicted, Zuvio located the droid hideout and infiltrated it after shooting a guarding BD-3000 luxury droid. Upon entering, he was attacked by the remaining droids. B33 initiated the attack, attempting to stun the Kyuzo lawman with one of its attachments. However, Zuvio simply kicked the droid away, sending B33 crashing into a RIC-series labor droid. Despite this, B33 recovered and attempted another attack on Zuvio, this time using a tow clamp. Zuvio evaded the attack, causing B33 to latch onto a DD-13 medical assistant droid instead. Zuvio then pushed B33 out of the farmhouse's second-story window, resulting in a disabling crash upon landing. Shortly after, B33's tow cable retracted, pulling the DD-13 droid out of the window as well, which destroyed the medical droid.

Despite sustaining significant damage, including a lost leg and a torn-open chassis, B33 remained active. After subduing the other droids, Zuvio encountered B33 on the ground. As B33 struggled to focus its cracked photoreceptor on Zuvio, the constable noticed B33's restraining bolt. Having previously believed the droids to be rogue, Zuvio realized the situation was a deception and that his office had been deceived. The constable left B33 where it was and pursued CZ-1G5. After discovering that the droids were controlled by Lovas, Zuvio shot the secretary droid.

Following Lovas' arrest for his attempted crimes, B33 was recovered by the Office of the Constable and underwent repairs and reprogramming along with CZ-1G5. B33's new responsibilities included patrolling with Deputy Drego and assisting CZ-1G5.

Personality and traits

B33 was an astromech droid in poor condition, featuring orange and green plating. Lovas' programming instilled in B33 a malicious and violent nature. In combat, B33 demonstrated persistence, immediately attempting another attack after a failed initial attempt against Zuvio. After the removal of Lovas' programming, B33 held a considerably negative view of its former owner. When Drego argued that Lovas' punishment was too lenient, B33 agreed in a crude manner that CZ-1G5 deemed too embarrassing to properly translate.

Behind the scenes

B33 originated as a character in the short story "High Noon on Jakku," authored by Landry Q. Walker.

