"High Noon on Jakku," a short story authored by Landry Q. Walker, initially appeared as an eBook on December 1, 2015. Subsequently, it was included in the print anthology Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens: Volume I released on April 5, 2016. The narrative is structured in the style of a traditional western.
On an otherwise uneventful day on Jakku, Constable Zuvio was occupied with administrative tasks, absent his droid CZ-1G5. Upon CZ-1G5's eventual arrival, Zuvio noted the droid's tardiness and peculiar conduct. However, before any investigation could occur, an explosion erupted outside. Zuvio, acting alone, discovered a damaged banking ship belonging to the Kubaz banker Rikard Lovas, a frequent visitor to Jakku for managing financial transactions involving credits for both the Western Reaches Exchange and the inhabitants of Niima Outpost.
Arriving at the scene, Zuvio's brief inspection revealed an empty cargo hold and a computer core devoid of financial records. Despite Lovas's assertion that such a feat was impossible due to the core's encryption, Zuvio recognized that the core utilized the same encryption module present in his own office. Consequently, Zuvio quickly suspected CZ-1G5, who possessed the capability to access such modules, based on the droid's earlier behavior. Leaving his deputies Drego and Streehn to examine the site, Zuvio returned to his office only to find CZ-1G5 missing, along with the office's weapon supply and a speeder bike.
Zuvio, armed with his remaining blaster pistol, planned to pursue the rogue droid into the desert using the office's second speeder. The trail left by CZ-1G5 was easily discernible to the experienced lawman, as the office speeders left distinctive patterns in the sand due to their low flight. This trail led to an abandoned freighter that had been hastily converted into a two-story moisture farm by former residents.
Forcing entry through a second-story window, Zuvio encountered a substantial droid force, including the malfunctioning astromech droid B33, a RIC-series general labor droid, a WED Treadwell repair droid, a DD-13 medical assistant droid, and an MSE droid. Zuvio engaged them in combat, exploiting their weaknesses to cause their self-destruction. Recovering from the fight, Zuvio saw CZ-1G5 fleeing, but his pursuit was interrupted by an EG-6 power droid laden with the constable office's grenades.
Upon finally catching up to the droid, Zuvio noticed a restrain bolt affixed to CZ-1G5. Through questioning, CZ-1G5 inadvertently revealed that the true instigator of the robbery was Rikard Lovas, the owner of the banking ship. Satisfied, Zuvio attempted a peaceful resolution before ultimately being compelled to shoot the droid.
Returning to Niima Outpost, Zuvio discovered that his deputies had independently concluded that Rikard Lovas was responsible. However, Rikard had cornered the deputies with a DT-17 attack droid. With swift action and precise aim, Zuvio neutralized the droid, leading to Rikard's arrest.