Dagio Belcoze

Dagio Belcoze was an Iktotchi male employed by the Galactic Republic as a computer engineer. During the time of the Clone Wars, Belcoze was a member of Doctor Gubacher's team focused on artificial intelligence, tasked with creating enhanced overseer droids for the purpose of managing the workforce on the battle station. At a reunion for the Republic Futures Program taking place within an apartment located in 500 Republica, he voiced his strong opinion that the Republic should initiate a bombing campaign against Raxus Secundus, the Separatist capital. Following his insistent requests for information regarding Galen Erso's detainment on Vallt, he challenged the crystallographer regarding suspicions of Separatist allegiances, leading to a physical altercation where his slower reaction time resulted in his defeat. Subsequent to the rise of the Galactic Empire, Belcoze became a member of the research personnel based at the Project Celestial Power facility situated on Malpaz; there, he observed the destruction of the city and implored Orson Krennic, asserting that he had made every effort to comprehend Erso's research to the best of his abilities.

