Daiyu marketplace

A marketplace existed within Daiyu City on the planet Daiyu. To draw in shoppers, signs in Aurebesh of different colors, which spelled out "market", were displayed on structures.


Obi-Wan Kenobi, after saving a youthful Princess Leia from her abductors, guided her through the marketplace. At Chiu Mo Threads, he purchased a green cape as well as a pair of gloves for her, instructing her to act as though they were a farming family hailing from Tawl. As they proceeded through the marketplace, Kenobi cautioned Leia to remain inconspicuous and advised her against touching anything.

Leia, however, swiftly grew suspicious of Obi-Wan and broke away, dashing back into the marketplace. She ducked beneath a slow-moving Gigoran and made her way through an animal sale. Subsequently, she collided with a masked spicerunner who sought to collect the bounty placed on Kenobi. The spicerunner pressed her for his location, but Kenobi neutralized them and also engaged a gray skinned humanoid in combat. He then pursued Leia, only for her to evade him once more as a squad of Inquisitors directed stormtroopers into the marketplace, searching for Kenobi.

