The Dancing Goddess, an idol revered by the Godoan people, was believed to bestow significant luck upon its possessor. Barpotomous Drebble once came into possession of it. Nevertheless, it was taken from him and ultimately became part of Dryden Vos's collection, who served as the public representative of the criminal organization Crimson Dawn. During a clash involving Vos, Qi'ra, and Han Solo, the idol was shattered, but it was subsequently restored. A comparable artifact resided with Darth Vader, who housed it within his fortress located on Mustafar. By approximately 34 ABY, the Ithorian antiquities dealer Dok-Ondar held the Dancing Goddess within his establishment situated in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu.
The Dancing Goddess, though its name was not specified, made its debut in the motion picture Solo: A Star Wars Story, which premiered on May 25, 2018. Its identification occurred in the companion visual guide Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and launched concurrently with the film's release. Hidalgo stated that the Dancing Goddess was incorporated into the movie's backdrop following a request from the filmmakers for a condensed list of possible trophies.