Darez Wuht served as an admiral within the Duro Defense Force, a Duros of male gender. He held the position of commanding officer during the Yuuzhan Vong War, specifically a year after it began.
Wuht played a role in supervising the refugee population and the SELCORE labor contracts, but many felt he did not dedicate enough attention to it. As a result, he was disliked by the local inhabitants, who gave him the mocking title of "Admiral Dizzlewit."
The Poesy, a light Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, functioned as Wuht's flagship. During the Battle of Duro, the Yuuzhan Vong issued an ultimatum, demanding the surrender of the fleet protecting the planet or face the destruction of both the orbital cities and Duro itself. Wuht conceded, and representatives from the Peace Brigade arrived to discuss the surrender conditions.
After Mara Jade Skywalker convinced him to resist the Yuuzhan Vong by exposing their real goals, he opened fire on a member of the Peace Brigade. Following this act, Admiral Wuht spearheaded the courageous, though ultimately unsuccessful, defense against the Yuuzhan Vong's attack on Duro.