Dark Times 12

title: Dark Times 12: Vector, Part 6

The twelfth installment of the Star Wars: Dark Times comic book series is titled Dark Times 12: Vector, Part 6. This issue marks the conclusion of the Star Wars: Vector crossover within Dark Times, serving as the sixth and final part of the larger Vector narrative.

Synopsis from the Publisher

As the year's biggest Star Wars event reaches its second chapter's end, Darth Vader grapples with the heritage of both the ancient Sith and Jedi Orders!

The crew of the Uhumele, including Bomo Greenbark, are involuntarily caught in the middle of a struggle between forces of good and greater evil! The consequences of this confrontation hold the potential to reshape the galaxy's destiny and profoundly impact their own existence. Has Vader overextended himself in his relentless pursuit of power?

This issue represents the second segment of "Vector," a sprawling 12-part narrative woven through various Star Wars comic titles, including Knights of the Old Republic, Dark Times, Rebellion, and Legacy.

Witness the epic clash between Darth Vader and a Knight from the Old Republic era!

