
Darshyn was an Anomid male who sought refuge on the world of Nar Shaddaa during the era of the Cold War.


Darshyn and his companion Enaq at one point encountered a young woman by the name of Kira Carsen. She had fled the newly formed Sith Empire and a destiny as one of the Children of the Emperor. Carsen became part of their refugee group, residing with them for almost a decade. When the Ur'kossags, a street gang, started to terrorize the refugees, Darshyn and Enaq were astonished when Kira killed some of the gang members and subsequently departed from Nar Shaddaa.

In 3643 BBY, Darshyn and Enaq ran into Kira and her new Jedi Master while being assaulted by the Ur'kossags. Carsen was unaware that her previous deeds had created a negative image for her friends, resulting in hardship for the group. After Enaq expressed his gratitude to Carsen for her assistance, Darshyn displayed his anger regarding her return. Learning about the repercussions of her past actions came as a surprise to Carsen, although she maintained her conviction that she had acted correctly.

