
A male Evocii named Enaq existed as a refugee on the moon of Nar Shaddaa during the Cold War era. This period was characterized by tensions between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Enaq became a friend of Kira Carsen, a young Human female. However, Enaq and the other refugees experienced hardship when Carsen's defense of her comrades resulted in a strong image for the group, which deterred prospective assistance.


Enaq was an Evocii who, like many members of his species during the Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, found himself a refugee residing in the depths of the city-moon, Nar Shaddaa. He and a number of other refugees, under the guidance of an Anomid called Darshyn, resided and were employed at the Alien Outreach Center located within Nar Shaddaa's High Security Lockdown sector, where they provided assistance to fellow victims and displaced people. Around the year 3653 BBY, Kira Carsen, a youthful Human girl, became a member of the group, and Enaq developed a friendship with her. Carsen would often wear several layers of clothing to appear larger and more intimidating than her actual size.

Carsen remained with the group for a duration of eight years. During this time, a gang known as the Ur'kossags initiated a campaign of terror against the refugees, frequently robbing them. When Carsen approached the gang and requested that they cease their attacks on the refugees, the Ur'kossags extended an offer for her to join their ranks, demanding that she kill a rival gangster as a demonstration of her loyalty. She declined and was compelled to utilize her developing Force powers to eliminate the entire group.

Shortly after this incident, Carsen was inducted into the Jedi Order. Consequently, she remained unaware of the ramifications of her actions on Enaq and the others. As a result of the Ur'kossags' demise, the refugees gained a fearsome reputation, which deterred potential gang attacks but also discouraged organizations that would typically offer aid, even though new refugees continued to seek help. Two years later, Enaq reached out to Carsen, requesting supplies and assistance. She promptly responded, accompanied by her new Jedi Master. However, the reunion between Enaq and Carsen was interrupted by an enraged Darshyn, who held the girl accountable for their dwindling supplies and the reputation that her actions had created. Discouraged, Carsen departed, promising to return with additional supplies in the near future.

Personality and traits

Enaq, an Evocii refugee, possessed tan skin, blue eyes, black sideburns, and a sparse amount of black hair on the top of his head. Despite his own status as a refugee, Enaq, along with the other members of his group, consistently went above and beyond to offer aid and provisions to fellow refugees. He did not harbor any resentment towards Carsen for her killing of the Ur'kossags, understanding that she had acted in defense of her friends.

Behind the scenes

Enaq makes an appearance in "The Merciful One," a conversation-based mission designed for Kira Carsen, the Jedi Knight-class companion character within Star Wars: The Old Republic. This video game was launched in 2011 by BioWare. Unlike the majority of companion conversations, "The Merciful One" functions as a genuine mission that necessitates players to journey to Nar Shaddaa with Carsen as their companion.

