Darth Vader - Power of the Dark Side

"Darth Vader - Power of the Dark Side" represents the second installment of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. Its initial release occurred on November 30, 2018 via the websites StarWarsKids.com and DisneyNOW.

Synopsis of the Story

While the secret mission to Tatooine unfolds, a group of rebel troopers establish their presence within a dimly lit passage aboard the Tantive IV. Darth Vader advances toward them, activating his lightsaber. He proclaims to them their ignorance regarding the might of the dark side. The rebel troopers discharge their blasters, but he skillfully redirects their energy bolts using his lightsaber. Wielding his lightsaber, Lord Vader systematically defeats the rebel troopers. Furthermore, he employs the Force to seize their blasters, propel his lightsaber toward the troopers, and forcefully collide two of the troopers against one another.

Subsequently, Lord Vader encounters a solitary remaining rebel trooper. Following the severing of his blaster, he levitates the individual utilizing the Force and proceeds to Force choke him while suspended in the air, before projecting him across the corridor. Subsequently, the corridor's lighting is restored, revealing Darth Vader standing imposingly over the defeated rebel troopers. As a unit of stormtroopers aligns with him, Vader concludes that the encounter was excessively simple, prior to striking a prone rebel soldier using his lightsaber.

