Dava Cassamam was a sabacc-loving, female Elnacon hailing from the world of Nacon. Her profession involved deep cloud-mining on gas giant planets. Notably, she witnessed the initial sabacc match between Han Solo and Lando Calrissian.
Dava Cassamam's debut was in Solo: A Star Wars Story, a Star Wars Anthology film released in 2018, with her initial appearance being in the movie's debut trailer. Her official character identification occurred in Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, a companion book by Pablo Hidalgo that launched alongside the film.
Jake Lunt Davies, a creature concept designer, shared in a StarWars.com interview that he questioned the automatic assumption of alien and creature characters being male, unless visually coded with exaggerated feminine traits. He argued that Dava's design shouldn't preclude her from being female or require stereotypical feminine markers. Davies also remembered that Dava's design potentially originated from ideas for other characters, possibly even Dryden Vos, during the development phase.