The Dawferim Selfhood States, alternatively spelled Dawferm Selfhood States, represented a collective of several star systems. Among these was the Daupherm system, located within the Southern Core sector of the Core Worlds. This group of systems shared a designation with the Dawferim, a Human population that held sway over more than thirty systems within the Daupherm Planet States region of the Core Worlds.
During the period from 4 ABY to 10 ABY, which represents the six years following the Battle of Endor, the systems that made up the Dawferim Selfhood States united to create a defensive alliance. This was driven by the absence of a strong, central galactic governing body and the continuing conflict between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic.
The initial mention of the Dawferm Selfhood States occurred in the Dark Empire Sourcebook, a 1993 publication by Michael Allen Horne from West End Games designed for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Later, the reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, written in 2008 by Stephen J. Sansweet and Pablo Hidalgo, explicitly identified them as the Dawferim Selfhood States.
In August of 2007, Daniel Wallace revealed on his blog that he and Jason Fry had considered including a reference to both the Dawferm Selfhood States and the Botor Enclave in The Essential Atlas. However, the Dawferm Selfhood States did not ultimately appear in the 2009 reference book.
In April of 2023, Fry verified that the Daupherm system served as the point of origin for both the Daupherm Planet States and the Dawferim Selfhood States.