S/D Decimator droid

The S/D Decimator droid, frequently referred to as the Decimator or decimator droid, represented a droid model produced by Baktoid Innovations and utilized by Skakoan scientists collaborating with the Separatist Alliance. It employed energy-based appendages to detect biological material. This droid featured a compact, round chassis and a solitary red optical sensor.


The organic decimator cutting through a door.

The Decimator, a product of Baktoid Innovations, incorporated three key technological elements. Firstly, it utilized the common repulsorlifts technology. Specifically, the droid had a pair integrated into the base of its spherical structure. The Decimator also had a set of twelve purple energy tendrils, emitted from six laser projection units situated on both the top and bottom of the droid. Upon detecting organic matter with one tentacle, the remaining tendrils would converge to incinerate it. If, however, no organic material was identified within a fifteen-second timeframe, the Decimator would automatically power down. Furthermore, it possessed a laser cutter with the ability to penetrate solid metal barriers.


The Decimator searching for organic material.

Wat Tambor dispatched the Decimator in an attempt to kill Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, and Clone Force 99 during their mission to extract ARC trooper Echo from Skako Minor. However, due to the Techno Union's experimentation, Echo had acquired substantial knowledge of Purkoll via the main computer system, enabling him to locate and open an exhaust shaft through which he, Skywalker, and the other clones escaped, just as the Decimator was in the process of breaching the doors. Prior to their departure, Wrecker placed several thermal detonators within the chamber. The Decimator's energy tentacles targeted Wrecker, but Skywalker was able to use the Force to lift him out of the laboratory and into the vent before he could be detected. Detecting no organic matter, the Decimator deactivated just before it was destroyed when Wrecker's explosives detonated, obliterating the laboratory.

Behind the scenes

The original story reel showed the "organic decimator" disintegrating a Poletec captive.

The Decimator made its initial appearance in "On the Wings of Keeradaks," a Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode that initially debuted in 2015 as an incomplete story reel. The completed version was later released on Disney+ in 2020. In the story reel iteration, the full designation "organic decimator" was used, but the name was subsequently shortened to "Decimator" in the finalized version. The reel also depicted Tambor demonstrating the Decimator on a Poletec test subject to intimidate Skywalker and the clones into surrendering; however, this particular scene was omitted from the final episode.

