Gorg deep-fries, or deep-fried gorg, represented a fried food item made from gorg. It was available on the desert world of Tatooine, particularly at the Mos Espa Market. Furthermore, it was promoted and retailed within the Grand Arena during the Hunters of the Outer Rim athletic competition. At The Restraining Bolt, a restaurant situated on the lower floor of the Mos Espa Waystation (a Grand Arena battlefield on Vespaara), this particular meat dish was listed for three credits.
Within the non-canon 2022 game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, the existence of deep-fried gorg is referenced via an announcement. This announcement can be heard across all capital ships seized by the player, where it is stated that the starship's dining area will offer the item as a special to celebrate the ship's new commander.