Drackmar, the native planet of the Drackmarian people, existed within the Drackmar system, which itself resided in the Quelii sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The atmosphere on Drackmar was methane-based, which necessitated that Drackmarians wear specialized methane-filtering helmets when venturing off-planet. Conversely, oxygen-dependent species were required to use environmentally protected vehicles, for example the Orbitblade-2000, in order to safely visit the world.
The planet Drackmar served as the originating point for the Drackmarian warlords, who successfully subjugated a number of nearby planets within the Quelii sector, these included Dathomir and Morseer.
During the period of the Mandalorian Wars, the Drackmarians, along with their planet Drackmar, allied themselves with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.
Ultimately, the Galactic Empire triumphed over the Drackmarians, leading to the integration of the Drackmar system into the Quelii Oversector. Subsequently, the system became part of Zsinj's empire, ruled by the warlord himself. Following Zsinj's demise, Imperial forces loyal to the Empire annexed the system. Later, during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Yuuzhan Vong successfully conquered the Drackmar system.