Drackmarians, hailing from the planet Drackmar, were a species of reptilian beings known for breathing methane. They were widely known for their fierce combat abilities.
Drackmarians were humanoids of reptilian descent, easily identified by their sizable, pointed teeth protruding from their snouts, vibrant and colorful spotted scales, and prominent vertical spikes running from the top of their heads down to their shoulders. Notably, they did not require sleep.
This species originated on Drackmar, a world characterized by a methane-rich atmosphere, situated within the Drackmar system found in the Outer Rim Territories. Because of this, Drackmarians needed to use a breath mask when visiting planets with an oxygen-based atmosphere.
Drackmarians were noted for their generosity coupled with a strong sense of independence. They generally resisted any form of coercion, even to the point of death.
Drackmarians gained notoriety as formidable warlords, having successfully conquered numerous planets within their native Quelii sector, including Dathomir and Morseer. As a result, the Morseerian people became a client race under Drackmarian rule. Their influence extended as far as Hutt Space, where their attempt to seize control of Sakiya ultimately failed.
During the era of the Mandalorian Wars, the Drackmarians aligned themselves with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.
In the course of the Galactic Civil War, the Drackmarians stood as unwavering adversaries of the Galactic Empire. Given that their sphere of influence resided within the Quelii Oversector, Grand Moff Zsinj received the assignment to subdue the Drackmarians. Commanding the most extensive fleet within the Empire, featuring the Star Dreadnought Brawl and hundreds of Victory-class Star Destroyers belonging to the Crimson Command, Zsinj spearheaded the assault against the Drackmarians. Sometime before the Battle of Endor, the Drackmarians were defeated and compelled to surrender. Consequently, they relinquished their dominion over both Dathomir and Morseer.
Following the demise of Emperor Palpatine, the Drackmarians maintained only a loose association with the New Republic. In 8 ABY, the Drackmarian warlord Omogg engaged Han Solo in a high-stakes game of Sabacc, ultimately losing the ownership deed to the planet Dathomir. This action was, in reality, a calculated maneuver by the Drackmarians to lure Han Solo and the New Republic to Zsinj's secret base positioned above Dathomir, leading to Zsinj's death in the ensuing battle.