
Omogg existed as a female Drackmarian warlord of some renown.


This Drackmarian warlord, Omogg, possessed substantial wealth. Following the Battle of Yavin, she held the contract for the Morseerian smuggler named Nabrun Leids, who hailed from the Quelii sector; however, he eventually deserted her.

The planet known as Dathomir held little appeal for the methane-breathing Drackmarians. In the year 1 ABY, Omogg dispatched a representative to Dathomir with the intention of exploring the world. From the Trade Outpost situated on Dathomir, the representative enlisted adventurous spacer to venture into the planet's perilous wilderness and create holograms documenting specific points of interest.

At some point before the Battle of Endor, Imperial forces, under the command of Grand Moff Zsinj of the Quelii Oversector, triumphed over the Drackmarian warlords. As a result, Omogg relinquished control of Dathomir.

Omogg (left) is depicted engaged in a sabacc game with Han Solo.

Some years subsequent to the Battle of Endor, General Han Solo was in command of the New Republic campaign directed against Zsinj, who had risen to become the most influential Imperial warlord. During this period, the Drackmarians discovered that Zsinj's secret base was positioned above Dathomir. Consequently, they devised a subtle strategy to draw the New Republic to Dathomir. In 8 ABY, Omogg made a visit to Coruscant, where she was a frequent patron of the Crystal Jewel casino. Through a cunning maneuver, Omogg wagered the deed to Dathomir as collateral in a sabacc game, which she deliberately lost to Han Solo, thereby granting him ownership of the Nightsister-infested planet. Solo intended to utilize this planet in an attempt to secure a marriage with Leia Organa. Later, after Han Solo had abducted Leia Organa and brought her to Dathomir, Omogg was apprehended by the guards serving Ta'a Chume, the Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium. These guards subjected Omogg to interrogation by tampering with her breathing helmet, an action that was halted by Luke Skywalker. In gratitude, Omogg revealed Dathomir's name and location to Luke through the power of the Force, ensuring that Ta'a Chume would remain unaware. However, Ta'a Chume had already acquired this information. Following the departure of Luke Skywalker and Prince Isolder, Ta'a Chume's son, to Dathomir, she dispatched a substantial fleet to the Dathomir system with the objective of rescuing her son. In the ensuing battle, the Hapan fleet annihilated Zsinj's fleet, and Zsinj himself met his demise at the hands of Han Solo. Thus, the Drackmarians achieved their vengeance.

