The Drynn system existed along the Shiritoku Spur, which is a hyperroute that traversed a section of Wild Space. Within this system was the planet known as Kammia.
Kathy Tyers and Eric S. Trautmann conceived the Drynn system for The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook, which was published in February of 1996.
A resource called the Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion, a online addition to the 2009 book The Essential Atlas, features a "Kammia system" in its records, situated in Wild Space. This system plainly correlates to the planet Kammia from The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook, even though the Drynn system isn't listed. However, Jason Fry, co-author of the Atlas, stated in comments on's Jedi Council Forums that the Online Companion's database organized star systems by the names of prominent celestial bodies, instead of official system designations. He clarified that the database's entry wasn't meant to introduce new system names or supersede existing continuity. Taking this statement into account, this article considers the "Kammia system" to be hypothetically the same as the Drynn system.