
Durchine was among a group of people that Yahenna Laxo of the Gray Syndicate gave refuge to, because the Galactic Empire had issued a warrant for their arrest due to minor offenses. Though Laxo enjoyed inflating its significance, the Gray Syndicate was a relatively small criminal organization on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal. The only reason he offered shelter to people was if they possessed enough credits to pay him.

When the Empire began to aggressively suppress criminal activity on Lothal, Laxo's gambling clubs (two of them) and one of his warehouses were raided. Consequently, Laxo dispatched Merei Spanjaf to visit several of the people he was sheltering. She was instructed to inform Durchine, along with Apapaba, Holshef, Kinlo, and Marhas, that they needed to pack their belongings and be prepared to move, because Rosey, who was also part of their group, would soon be relocating them to new safehouses.

Behind the scenes

In Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice, the third book in the Servants of the Empire series of four books written by Jason Fry, Durchine is identified as one of the criminals that Yahenna Laxo was hiding. While the specifics of his crimes remain unstated, the book does specify that, with the exception of Holshef, the individuals Laxo sheltered were dealing with gambling debts or other problems that they had brought upon themselves.

