Dyslogia Twang

During the Separatist Crisis, a male reporter named Dyslogia Twang contributed to the HoloNet News. His focus was on light topics like fashion trends, celebrity happenings, and exclusive social gatherings—essentially, he dealt in gossip. He stood out as one of the few media figures who supported Jar Jar Binks, the Gungan Representative in the Galactic Senate. In 22 BBY, Twang journeyed to the planet Alsakan where he attended a fundraising event for the Refugee Relief Movement, an occasion that spurred him to pen a highly cynical piece.


In the final days of the Galactic Republic, the male alien, Dyslogia Twang, was a well-known journalist. He regularly contributed to the Life section of the CoCo District's edition of HoloNet News during the Separatist Crisis. His column, "Sightings by Twang," allowed him to live a high-profile life, mingling with the elite of the galaxy. In the fourth month of the year 22 BBY, he went to a fundraiser for the Refugee Relief Movement, or RRM, held at the newly constructed Xenvaer Civic Auditorium on Alsakan. During the reception, Twang encountered numerous politicians, finding most of them uninteresting or poorly dressed. He briefly spoke with Senators Ronet Coorr from Iseno and Tendau Bendon from Ithor, but he quickly ended the conversations as he wasn't interested in what they had to say. That single evening gave the journalist plenty of material for his gossip column, and he enjoyed the high-quality food, which he described as "pure heaven." After the fundraiser, Twang wrote a scathing review that appeared in the fifty-third issue of the 531st volume of HoloNet News. The only celebrities he found to have any redeeming qualities were Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo and Gungan Representative Jar Jar Binks.

Personality and traits

Dyslogia Twang was a male of a humanoid species characterized by a short, stocky build, loose skin, and small hands. His skin was a light purple, and his black eyes were set within the fleshy folds of his face. Twang's head hung low, obscuring his neck with a goiter-like growth.

Twang was primarily interested in high society, and he openly disliked quiet planets like Monastery and Naboo, which he called "dismally dull worlds." He was also very passionate about fashion, often making harsh judgments. In his review of the RRM fundraiser, he criticized the clothes and hairstyles of attendees, including former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum and Senator Lexi Dio. In contrast, Twang admired Padmé Amidala's natural beauty and elegance and even wanted to hire her hairdresser, despite being bald. He also liked Jar Jar Binks, approving of his relaxed demeanor and fashion sense.

During the Separatist Crisis, Twang admitted to supporting Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's policies, though he did complain about Palpatine's red clothing. Generally, the journalist showed little interest in specific political matters. When Senator Ronet Coorr tried to talk to him about rerouting traffic through industrial areas, Twang ended the conversation after just twelve minutes. He was also indifferent to environmental issues, saying that Ithorian Senator Tendau Bendon bored him by discussing a species of fig trees on a forgotten world.


Twang wore yellow and orange clothing, along with at least two necklaces.

Behind the scenes

An early sketch of Jabba the Hutt that inspired Dyslogia Twang's physique

Dyslogia Twang debuted in the 1993 book Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas by Bob Carrau. In this book, Twang reviewed the annual Vector Day party hosted by Mrp-Mrp Poo, a famous Quenk jazz musician. The journalist, wearing a Velcro wrap, attended the gala at the Boulderdash terrarium, along with many notable figures of that time, including the data star Rzsco Snowwt. As usual, Twang planned to write a highly critical article for his column. However, he had to leave the party early to meet his deadline, which annoyed him. Despite his early departure, he had gathered enough gossip to write one of his signature unflattering articles. In "Sightings by Twang," he notably focused on an anecdote about Tireis Blackandwhite, a woman who could divide her body into two autonomous—and quite antagonistic—"segments."

However, Leland Chee, who maintains the official Holocron continuity database, has stated that information from this book is considered non-canonical unless reused in later publications. In 2002, Dyslogia Twang appeared in the April 25 issue of the HoloNet News in-universe website, bringing him into canon. Joe Corroney drew Twang for this appearance. The HoloNet article kept most of the traits established in Monsters and Aliens, including his speech patterns and the name of his column.

In real life, "dyslogia" is a term used in neuropsychology to describe "a distortion of language that results from psychological problems, without impairment to linguistic functions as such." It's worth noting that in Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas, the meaning of many of Twang's sentences was unclear.

