E-5s sniper rifles functioned as both a sniper rifle and a longblaster, employed by expert sharpshooters within the ranks of both the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Empire. These rifles were deployed by the Separatist Droid Army on Felucia during the Clone Wars. In one instance, a B1-series battle droid strategically positioned itself at a distance, utilizing the rifle to target concealed enemies. The targeting scope of the rifle was connected via a tubular device to the photoreceptors of the battle droid, which were using red electrobinoculars.
The Empire also utilized this rifle during the Galactic Civil War in their conflict against the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
The E-5s sniper rifle made its initial debut in the new Star Wars canon with its inclusion in the 2014 mobile video game, Star Wars: Galactic Defense. Before this, the rifle was originally featured in the Star Wars Legends timeline in "Chapter 3" of the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series, which became available on November 11, 2003. It was first officially named in Legends within the 2004 strategy guide for Star Wars: Battlefront, titled Star Wars Battlefront: Prima Official Game Guide.