Eridain, under the command of Captain Afyon, was a CR90 corvette that participated in the Battle of Endor. Not long after the reformation, at 6.5 ABY, it cooperated with Rogue Squadron.
The Hensara system was the location of their initial joint operation. The Imperial Customs Frigate, Battle of Yavin, which New Republic operatives were utilizing to survey core worlds, was forced to land on Hensara III after encountering the Strike-class Cruiser Havoc. Rogue Squadron, the Eridain, and the freighter Pulsar Skate formed a quickly put-together group that then arrived in the system to support the repair and retrieval of the Battle of Yavin and its crew. Functioning primarily as a mission control vessel, Eridain stayed in orbit above the planet. Although Havoc had left the system earlier, it came back as the mission started, launching fighters. The engagement was relatively brief, with Rogue Squadron inflicting considerable damage on the Imperial fighters without suffering any losses. After the Pulsar Skate rescued the crew from the ground, the group made its way back to the Republic base on Talasea.
During the attack on Vladet within the Rachuk system, the Eridain once more served as a control ship, directing the other vessels involved in the battle, specifically Rogue Squadron and the three Y-wing squadrons of Defender Wing. The fighters carried out what was intended to be a straightforward ground assault, encountering minimal resistance, until the unexpected arrival of the Carrack-class cruiser Expeditious and the Lancer-class frigate Ravager. The New Republic's situation appeared dire until Corran Horn, a pilot from Rogue Squadron, quickly devised a strategy that involved him leading Warden Squadron in an attack on Ravager. The plan was successful, and Ravager was swiftly destroyed by a barrage of proton torpedoes. Expeditious did not participate in the battle and jumped to hyperspace after retrieving an Imperial shuttle, enabling the New Republic to successfully destroy the facility on Vladet.
During the First Battle of Borleias in the Pyria system, Eridain also served as a control ship. Although it wasn't directly involved in the combat, the corvette was able to evade ground-based ion cannon fire when the assault took a turn for the worse. It remained in the atmosphere just long enough for Tycho Celchu to board the shuttle Forbidden, allowing the Eridain to depart and rescue the pilots who were stranded outside their vehicles. The Eridain managed to escape the battle without sustaining any damage.