Eriz Vossan

Eriz Vossan was a Jedi Master of the Human species, identified as male, and he distinguished himself as one of the most accomplished cultural investigators serving both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic throughout the Cold War period. This conflict saw them pitted against the reconstituted Sith Empire. He succumbed to the affliction caused by Lord Vivicar, but a Jedi Consular on Tatooine later provided a cure.


During the time of the Great Galactic War, Master Vossan embarked on a mission to Malachor III alongside Sidonie Garen, Yuon Par, Cin Tykan, Duras Fain, and Parkanas Tark. However, their exploration of the planet led Vossan and the other Jedi Masters to uncover a horrifying evil, which nearly overwhelmed them. During their attempted escape, Vossan lagged behind, and Parkanas Tark rescued him, becoming trapped in the process, left behind by the other Jedi. Eriz carried the burden of guilt, believing himself responsible for abandoning his comrade.

Years afterward, specifically during the Cold War, Master Eriz journeyed to the desert world of Tatooine. While there, as he explored and sought to understand the ways of the Sand People, he fell prey to the influence of Lord Vivicar, who was, in reality, his former friend Parkanas. Upon finding an ancient carving that told of Tatooine's past, he came to the conclusion that the Sand People represented the ultimate warriors. The plague twisted his mind, leading him to embrace a survival-of-the-fittest ideology, with the aim of building an army to confront the "coming darkness". Fortunately, an aspiring Jedi Consular intervened, healing him and saving him from the plague's grasp.

