Essenton was a commanding officer, specifically a Captain, within an Imperial Remnant Starfleet throughout the conflict known as the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Although characterized as somewhat irritable and likely of advanced years, her demonstrated skill was sufficient to overcome the deeply ingrained biases against female officers within the Empire; by 28 ABY at the very least, she held command of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Defiant. During the Battle of Borosk, Grand Admiral Pellaeon directed her to provide support to a Lieutenant named Arber after her Star Destroyer was equipped with a gravitic amplitude modulator (GAM). This device had the capability to disrupt the war-coordinating communications of the Yuuzhan Vong, specifically those transmitted by yammosk organisms. Upon receiving orders to engage, Essenton steered the Defiant directly into the thick of the enemy forces, targeting and destroying the warship-analog carrying the yammosk, leaving wreckage in its wake. Almost instantly, a second yammosk was detected within the enemy fleet, and Essenton guided the Defiant to engage this target as well; however, this proved unnecessary, as the Yuuzhan Vong forces retreated shortly thereafter. After the battle concluded, Essenton received orders to take the Defiant to Yaga Minor to contribute to the planetary defense.