A Human male individual named Evad practiced as a Doctor amidst the [Galactic War].(/article/galactic_war) This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic against the newly risen Sith Empire.
In the year 3639 BBY, Evad, together with Addy Ingrol, Asirr, and Tarkom, lent aid to Doctor Sannus Lorrick. Lorrick was conducting experiments concerning the rakghoul virus within his laboratory situated on Ord Mantell. Evad, alongside the other scientists, operated under the impression that Lorrick was seeking a remedy for the virus. However, as four planets belonging to the Tionese succumbed to the rakghoul virus, Evad and his fellow assistants uncovered Lorrick's actual intentions. They then tried to thwart him, but instead found themselves infected and subsequently manipulated by him. Eventually, he met his end at the hands of an assault squad that arrived to prevent Lorrick from self-infecting with the virus.