Ewoks 2, the second installment in the Ewoks comic book series, hit the shelves in July of 1985 under the Star Comics banner, an imprint of Marvel Comics. The narrative unfolds across three distinct parts: "Rites of Power," followed by "Rites to [sic] Power Part II: A Call to Arms," and concluding with "Rites of Power Part III: Fight to the Finish."

While on a scouting mission for Bright Tree Village in the forests of Endor, Wicket Wystri Warrick and his companion Teebo stumble upon an alarming sight. It is none other than a group of Zorbian space pirates led by Captain Krag, who are advancing toward their home with the intention of stealing the precious Ewok Gemwood tree. Wicket and Teebo make the decision to warn their village. However, their presence is revealed when Teebo inadvertently drops an apple, hitting Krag on the head. Krag orders his men to capture them, and the two Ewoks find themselves trapped on a tree branch, entangled by the pirates' accurate bolo-slings. Teebo manages to free Wicket with his spear, and Wicket hurries off to alert the village. Unfortunately, another bolo-sling knocks Teebo off balance, causing him to fall into some bushes and sustain an injury. Despite this, he continues his mission. Krag decides to let Wicket escape, hoping he will inform the village that Teebo is being held captive. This, Krag believes, will lure the Ewok warriors away from the village, leaving it vulnerable.

Back in the village, Princess Kneesaa is in the midst of celebrating her birthday. As part of the festivities, Logray presents her with the Bordok Baga as a gift from Wicket and Teebo. Following this, her father, Chief Chirpa, gives her a Ruling staff crafted from the Gemwood tree, and declares her the heir to the position of Chieftain of the Bright Tree Tribe. This announcement is met with disapproval from the Village Council, particularly First Elder Kazak. Kazak argues that all previous Ewok leaders have been male, and that a Chief should possess the strength to wield a spear in battle, demonstrating this by tossing a spear into Kneesaa's unsteady arms. Despite Chirpa and Logray's objections, the Council decides that they will choose a new Chief themselves when the time comes.

Just then, Wicket arrives at the village, completely exhausted, and interrupts the celebrations to warn everyone about the space pirates and Teebo's capture. Chirpa immediately organizes a rescue mission and leads the warriors into the forest. Before they depart, Kneesaa pleads to join the expedition in an attempt to prove her worth to the Elders. However, Chirpa refuses, instructing her to stay with Logray and help nurse Wicket back to health. Feeling as though her father shares the Elders' sentiments, she expresses her disappointment to Logray, wishing she had been born a boy. Logray assures her that a leader's true test is not carrying a spear into battle. He then shows her the Gemwood tree, and Kneesaa questions how one can protect their property and way of life without resorting to violence. Logray responds that asking such questions is what defines a great leader.
As the village warriors approach the pirates' ship, they spot Teebo tied to posts and gagged. After freeing him, Teebo warns them that they are walking into a trap. As he speaks, a large net is launched, capturing the Ewoks. Krag boasts about his victory and decides to take Chirpa and a few others as hostages to the village. As they near the village, Kneesaa is alerted to their arrival and begins to formulate a plan to protect the village and the Gemwood tree.
Upon reaching the village, Krag and his men discover it to be deserted. He calls out to the Ewoks, threatening to execute their captured leaders. Kneesaa, however, approaches him with the others and pleads with Krag not to harm them. Pleased with her apparent submission, Krag strokes her chin, but Kneesaa bites his finger and runs off, instructing the other Ewoks to take their positions. The pirates give chase to her and the tribe's women and children. However, as part of Kneesaa's plan, they fall into various traps, resulting in many being captured or incapacitated. Krag manages to track her down and confront her, but Baga charges at him from behind, knocking him to the ground. Kneesaa climbs onto Baga and rides away, but Krag throws a bolo-sling at her, entangling Baga's legs and causing Kneesaa to be thrown off. Fortunately, Kneesaa's friend Latara is near the supply shed and tells Kneesaa to run to it. She does so, and as Krag is about to swing his axe at her, Latara tips over a honey pot on the roof, drenching him in honey and rendering the pirate helpless.

In the aftermath, the leaders are freed, and the pirates are sent back to their ship. Chirpa expresses his immense pride in Kneesaa's actions, and Kazak and the other Elders apologize for doubting her leadership abilities, giving her their blessing along with her ruling staff. Wicket and Teebo congratulate her on her acceptance and make a request: a piece of birthday cake.