The Farseekers were a group of Force-sensitive navigators who functioned within the Unknown Regions. In approximately 18 BBY, the Grysk coordinator known as "Jixtus" proposed providing either a Farseeker or a Void Guide, which was another navigator type, to his Agbui operative, Haplif, who already employed an Attendant (Jixtus did not want the Attendant to be seen by anyone in the Chiss Ascendancy). Rather than providing a Farseeker or Void Guide, Jixtus assigned a Pathfinder, named Qilori, because Haplif stated that Pathfinders were utilized on the Chiss planet Celwis, where he intended to instigate a civil conflict within the Chiss Ascendancy.
The Farseekers received a mention in the 2021 book Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good, which is the second book in the Ascendancy Trilogy by Timothy Zahn.