As a captain in the Galactic Empire, Feroph was a pilot who flew a TIE/rp Reaper attack lander during the time of the Galactic Civil War. He participated in the Mission to Eadu, navigating his craft through the stormy weather of the planet while the Alliance to Restore the Republic launched an assault on the Eadu Energy Conversion Laboratory.
The character Captain Feroph appears in the TIE Reaper Expansion Pack for Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, a product of Fantasy Flight Games. Anthony Devine, the artist who created the artwork for Feroph's card, has stated that his initial depiction showed Feroph simply escaping the destruction of the Eadu Energy Conversion Laboratory. This was considered uninteresting, so Devine included several TIE fighters and X-wings engaged in combat, which he said altered the narrative to a small degree, before submitting the revised artwork.