Ffon Althe was a male Pureblood Sith Acolyte (refer to gender) who served the Sith Empire during the period of the Cold War that saw conflict with the Galactic Republic. Althe was taken to Korriban, where Overseer Harkun oversaw Althe's initial Sith training in the ways of a Sith Inquisitor. This was done on behalf of Lord Zash, who sought a suitable apprentice.
Harkun showed Althe undue partiality, since he felt that allowing Force-sensitive members of the Empire's slave class to rise in power was detrimental to the Sith cause. Despite this favoritism and his Pureblood heritage, he was defeated by a rivaling acolyte, leading to his execution at the hands of Lord Zash.
Althe, the protégé of Overseer Harkun, received every possible advantage. Despite this and his considerable aptitude, he was surpassed by a fellow Acolyte, a slave who eventually gained Lord Zash's favor. During his training, Harkun frequently requested that Ffon demonstrate his powers to intimidate the other acolytes. In one such display, he even killed a fellow acolyte, Gerr, with a blast of Force lightning.
For his final test, he and the remaining Acolyte were instructed to enter Naga Sadow's tomb in order to retrieve a map for Lord Zash. Harkun, wanting to give Althe every possible edge, gave him a head start. Unfortunately for Ffon, Zash arrived soon after and informed the remaining Acolyte of crucial information regarding the tomb's contents that she had just learned. Zash saw no reason to call Althe back and provide him with the same information, given the favoritism he had already received, and not from her own doing.
Althe failed his final assignment, while his peer from the slave caste succeeded, aided by Khem Val, the ancient Dashade servant of Tulak Hord. Unwilling to accept defeat, Harkun took the map from the successful acolyte and gave it to Althe, ordering him to claim credit for its retrieval. When the Pureblood acolyte presented the map to Zash, she doubted the veracity of Althe's apparent success and demanded the truth. Fearing Zash's wrath, Althe confessed and apologized for the deception, but was promptly executed by the Sith Lord. As Ffon perished, Zash scolded Harkun for his bias, suggesting that Althe might have prevailed if all the Acolytes had been treated equitably—or if she had been the one they had been trying to impress.
Ffon Althe possessed the ability to generate Force lightning with sufficient power to severely injure his fellow acolyte Gerr.