B1-Series battle droids are shown experiencing the effects of an electro-proton bomb's pulse.
A potent force of electromagnetic energy, known as an EMP, or magnetic bombard, was commonly implemented in armaments with the purpose of neutralizing advanced systems.
These were generally employed to render droids and electronic devices inoperable; however, an EMP of sufficient intensity possessed the capacity to cause fatalities in organic beings via electrocution.
Weaponry based on electromagnetic pulses delivered a strong EMP, overwhelming most electronic systems lacking specific defenses. The consequence bore some resemblance to the impact of an ion cannon.
Various forms of military magnapulse weapons existed. The Galactic Republic initially deployed these during the Clone Wars, and the Galactic Empire enhanced them prior to the Battle of Yavin.
Despite their capability to regress entire planets technologically, even shattering enemy shields with a single discharge, these weapons saw limited deployment during the Galactic Civil War.
The Grand Army of the Republic favored EMP weaponry because their adversaries were fundamentally technological. The Droid Army was particularly susceptible to weapons that disrupted electronics.
Clone troopers utilized portable EMP devices, such as the EMP grenade and the EMP Launcher, to disable battle droids belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
During the Clone Wars, air-dropped magnetic pulse bombs, referred to as "magpulse busters", were also deployed. They could only temporarily deactivate enemy droids, so starfighters usually worked with them to eliminate large groups of droids.
Merr-Sonn manufactured the DEMP gun for the Empire. These weapons proved effective against droids, compact vehicles, and powered armor. Extended exposure to DEMP pulses could be detrimental to living organisms. The DEMP 2, a refined version of this weapon, was observed in action around 13 ABY.
A magnetic pulse could be delivered from orbit when a magnepulse weapon was mounted on a starship of medium cruiser class or larger. This method of magnetic pulse delivery carried a risk of reflection back onto the attacker, which prompted the development of magnapulse bombs.
About the size of a starfighter, the magnepulse cluster bomb could be released from orbit by any vessel capable of deploying TIE Series fighters. Early iterations of the magnepulse cluster bomb were susceptible to enemy fire, leading to a redesign incorporating shields and evasive flight computers. These devices remained in use as late as 11 ABY, as part of the equipment included with the Modular taskforce cruiser's Inquisition Module.
Planetary magnapulse cannons served as surface-to-space weapons, functioning similarly to planetary ion cannons.
Following the Battle of Hoth, magnetic pulse ordnance became available as a projectile weapon, akin to a proton torpedo. The mag pulse warhead possessed the ability to temporarily disable the weapon systems of a capital ship.
Around 7 ABY, Warlord Zsinj deployed empion mines, integrating both an ion projector and an electromagnetic pulse device.
During Operation Shadow Hand in 10-11 ABY, the Shadow Droids were equipped with a compact EMP gun.