Fir Megsan's parent was a soldier serving the Galactic Republic during the Great Galactic War against the reconstituted Sith Empire. During the Empire's Sacking of Coruscant in 3653 BBY, Megsan's father was stationed on the Republic capital planet of Coruscant. Tragically, the Sith Lord Praven killed him. Consequently, Megsan issued a bounty for the Sith Pureblood's capture or death. However, every bounty hunter who attempted to collect the bounty on Praven met their end at the hands of the Sith, leading Megsan to view them as "scum" and a "pompous butcher."
In the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare, Fir Megsan is referenced. Specifically, Megsan is the author of a message delivered to players of the Jedi Knight class who have made at least one dark side choice following their confrontation with Lord Praven on Tatooine in 3643 BBY, rather than persuading him to become a Jedi for light side points. Within the message, Megsan thanks the player for avenging their father, explaining that he perished during the Sacking of Coruscant, and that all who pursued the bounty placed on Lord Praven "caught a serious case of corpse." Some credits are also included as a reward with the message. Nevertheless, this article operates under the assumption that the Jedi Knight is primarily a light side character, implying that Megsan's bounty was never successfully claimed.