Fir Megsan's father

The male parent of Fir Megsan was a man who served within the ranks of the Galactic Republic during the Great Galactic War, which occurred concurrently with the rise of the reconstituted Sith Empire. The year 3653 BBY saw him located on the Republic's capital world, specifically Coruscant, at the moment the Empire launched an assault upon the planet. As the battle raged, Megsan's dad met his end at the hands of the Sith Lord known as Praven. This event spurred the young Megsan to issue a reward for the capture of the Sith Pureblood, driven by a desire for vengeance.

Behind the scenes

The father of Fir Megsan received a mention within the 2011 BioWare interactive game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. This mention occurs in a message directed towards players controlling the Jedi Knight character, specifically those who have made at least one dark side choice following their encounter with Lord Praven on the planet Tatooine in 3643 BBY. This is in contrast to persuading Praven to embrace the path of a Jedi for light side points. In the message, Megsan expresses his gratitude to the player for having avenged his father's death, explaining that his father perished during the Sacking of Coruscant and that all those who sought to claim the bounty placed on Lord Praven "caught a serious case of corpse." However, this article presumes the Jedi Knight to be aligned with the light side, thus it is assumed that Megsan's bounty was never successfully claimed.

