First skirmish in Cuipernam

In the year 22 BBY, a brief battle transpired at a local establishment situated within the planetary capital city of Cuipernam on Ansion as part of a diplomatic endeavor to the world, orchestrated by the Jedi. This battle was triggered when Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her apprentice, Barriss Offee, faced an assault from soldiers of fortune dispatched by Soergg the Hutt, a self-proclaimed crime lord involved in a scheme by Sith Lord Darth Tyranus and Commerce Guild President Shu Mai to instigate Ansion's departure from the Galactic Republic. The two Jedi were rescued by the timely arrival of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, who had reached Ansion two days ahead of their anticipated schedule.


As the Separatist Crisis intensified in 22 BBY, marked by numerous star systems breaking away from the Galactic Republic to establish the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the planet of Ansion became a focal point in a strategy conceived by Sith Lord Darth Tyranus alongside Commerce Guild President Shu Mai. Due to Ansion's pivotal role in several treaties, its secession from the Republic was projected to trigger a domino effect, leading to the departure of numerous other worlds. To avert this outcome, the Jedi Order deployed Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi, accompanied by their respective Padawans, Barriss Offee and Anakin Skywalker, on a diplomatic mission aimed at persuading the Unity of Community, Ansion's governing body, to maintain its allegiance to the Republic.

The Jedi intended to facilitate a settlement between the Unity of Community and the Alwari, the nomadic tribes of Ansionians. The Unity stipulated that if the Alwari agreed to share control over the prairie lands they currently occupied and permit the Unity to exploit the resources within at least half of those lands, Ansion would remain within the Republic.

To guarantee Ansion's secession, Mai enlisted the services of Bossban Soergg the Hutt. Soergg then directed his chief of staff, Ogomoor, to engage mercenaries with the objective of intercepting the Jedi before they could depart Cuipernam, the capital city of Ansion, in their search for the Alwari overclans (nomadic leaders). The mercenaries hired by the Hutt were cautioned about the formidable Jedi they would be facing.

The skirmish

While Unduli and Offee were dining at a local tavern in Cuipernam, Unduli perceived an impending threat. She activated her lightsaber, with Offee activating hers shortly after. At that moment, they were ambushed by the local mercenaries contracted by Ogomoor. The initial assault wave surged through doorways and windows, emerging from concealed positions, armed with an array of weapons ranging from knives to energy weapons. This first wave lacked coordination, allowing the Jedi to effectively neutralize them by deflecting blaster fire and eliminating several mercenaries before fighting their way out of the tavern and onto the street. Just as they were about to drive the remaining mercenaries into an open area, the second wave materialized.

The second group of mercenaries exhibited greater coordination and began to push the Jedi back. To evade them, Unduli instructed her Padawan to scale a nearby wall, but Kenobi and Skywalker arrived before Unduli could follow. Having arrived on Ansion two days earlier than anticipated, and unable to locate the other two Jedi at their designated lodging, Obi-Wan and Anakin decided to explore the city. It was during this exploration that Kenobi sensed danger and, accompanied by his Padawan, rushed to the aid of Unduli and Offee. They swiftly dispatched the remaining mercenaries, eliminating several and forcing the rest to retreat.


Soergg expressed dissatisfaction with the failure, criticizing the mercenaries for disregarding his warning about the Jedi's capabilities. He also voiced concern over Kenobi and Skywalker's unexpected early arrival and suggested that it be brought to the attention of other key figures involved in the scheme, including Ansionian Senator Mousul, who reported to Shu Mai. Shortly thereafter, Soergg assigned Kyakhta and Bulgan, two clanless Ansionians with mental impairments, the task of abducting one of the Padawans, and they successfully captured Offee. They chose to execute the kidnapping while the Jedi were strolling through a market in Cuipernam.

Behind the scenes

The Cuipernam skirmish was first depicted in the 2002 novel, The Approaching Storm, authored by Alan Dean Foster.

