Fish (Human)

A Human male named Fish, who resided in the Noua township on Telerath, made his living as a water taxi proprietor. He transported Dass Jennir, a former Jedi, to the heart of the city, offering a brief overview of the city's past and its two resident gangs. Subsequently, he served as Jennir's guide within the city, fulfilling various requests for a substantial fee.


Living on the world of Telerath, the Human male known as Fish operated a water taxi service in the Noua archipelago region. In 19 BBY, which was the year the Galactic Empire was formed, Fish began accepting the new Imperial Credits as payment for his services. During that year, he witnessed the arrival of Dass Jennir, an ex-Jedi, on Telerath. Jennir had journeyed to the planet after being employed by Ember Chankeli, a local business owner, to address a gang of enslavers operating in the archipelago. Upon Jennir's arrival, Fish proposed transporting him and his droid companion, H2, to the inhabited area of the archipelago, an offer the newcomer accepted. During their voyage, Fish shared some of Telerath's history with Jennir. When the former Jedi displayed curiosity about the local gangs, Fish assumed the offworlder intended to join one. Consequently, Fish directed Jennir to the gang try-outs, scheduled for that day in the main square. After the journey, Jennir compensated Fish far beyond his expectations and then informed him that he was on retainer.

Fish then followed his new employer to the try-outs, where he observed Jennir using his blaster to disarm multiple gang members. This occurred after Dado, a local boy, challenged Mors Demanna, a Chagrian swordsman, in an attempt to earn a place in the organisation. Fish approached Jennir and applauded his shooting skill after the ex-Jedi was informed of the Sword law, which decreed that all conflict should be settled with swords not blasters. Due to the law Jennir then asked Fish where he could purchase a sword, much to Fish's surprise, and he lead Jennir to a swordsmith from who the ex-Jedi bought a blade. Finally Fish offered to show Jennir the best place to stay in town, but the ex-Jedi chose to stay at Ember's Fire, a brothel run by his employer Chankeli. With Jennir settled for the night, Fish returned to his boat, where he witnessed an unruly patron dropped through a trap door in the bottom of Ember's. Later that night, Jennir called on Fish again to bring him back to his ship, where he had the taxi driver wait for his return. Jennir then traveled to Telerath's second moon where he killed a several members of the local spice running gang, and framed the enslavers for it. He then returned to Fish who drove him back to his quarters at the brothel.

The next encounter between Fish and Jennir occurred after the ex-Jedi had endured a severe beating at the hands of Ken-Kiba, the leader of the spice runners. After destroying the gang, Ken-Kiba had discovered that Jennir was actually behind the attack on his base on Telerath's second moon. Fish's employer had escaped from Ember's, where Ken-Kiba had attacked him, through the trap door and then been attacked by a large eel-like creature. Fish pulled him from the water and away from the eel, then took Jennir to his home at the end of the archipelago to recover. The pair lay low for several days, while H2 delivered news of what the spice gang was doing back to Fish. On one mission to gather information though the droid was shot, but managed to make it back to Fish with Jennir's sword before shutting down. When the ex-Jedi awoke, Fish explained what had happened while he'd been unconscious and then warned him not to try and fight until his wounds healed.

