Flits were a type of flying reptile that lacked sentience. They were native to the planet of Lok. These creatures, possessing tough hides, exceptionally sharp beaks, and numerous poisonous barbs, presented a significant danger to anything they preyed upon. Besides Lok, flits also populated Tansarii Point Station above Ord Mantell and the prison world of Despayre. On Lok, the local reptavians engaged in hunting flits for their meat. However, these reptiles could also be domesticated and trained as formidable combatants. Notably, a tamed flit emerged victorious in a [blood](/article/blood/legends] sport event during the opening of the Aerie Casino on Naboo in 1 ABY.
Typically, flying reptiles known as Flits, which lack sentience, could have a wingspan exceeding the height of a tall Wookiee. They also possessed two smaller limbs equipped with sharp claws, which they used for grasping. Their physical characteristics included robust hides, very sharp beaks that transitioned from orange at the tip to lighter shades near the head, and a small tuft of feathers on the back of their necks. Their plumage displayed a combination of blue and green hues. Furthermore, they had dorsal barbs containing a potent poison. Even a minor puncture from these barbs could incapacitate a fully grown Human. The flit species exhibited variations, including flit harassers, flit bloodsuckers, and giant flits, which differed in terms of strength and size.
Flits would launch attacks in groups, circling their targets while alternating between advancing and retreating. They were particularly effective during nighttime assaults, when it was more challenging to evade them. Despite their aggressive nature, flits were capable of being tamed.

The planet Lok, situated in the Karthakk sector within the Mid Rim, served as the native habitat for flits. They were commonly observed in the desolate areas surrounding Nym's stronghold during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Despite the risks associated with flits, the local population hunted them for their meat and utilized their bones. Flits could also be found elsewhere in the Mid Rim, specifically on Tansarii Point Station, which orbited Ord Mantell in the Bright Jewel Oversector. The Sullustan hunter Wyle Artis once sought a spacer to assist him in hunting flits and scyks within the Tansarii Point atrium, offering both credits and a necklace as payment for the successful completion of the task.
Flits also inhabited Despayre, located in the Atrivis sector of the Outer Rim Territories. They would occasionally breach the perimeter fences of the Imperial prison facilities on the planet, posing a threat to the residents. All flits on Despayre were obliterated when the first Death Star destroyed the planet in 0 BBY. In 1 ABY, a trained flit harasser participated in a blood sport competition that celebrated the opening of the Aerie Casino on Naboo. Under the guidance of a Trandoshan, the reptavian ultimately secured victory by defeating a Dathomiri malkloc in the final round, achieving this by landing on its back and plunging its sharp beak deep into the malkloc's neck.
The Laser Flits, a gang operating out of Mos Espa on Tatooine, derived their name from this creature.
The concept of flits originated in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game launched in 2003 and was discontinued on December 15, 2011. Within the game, they appeared as adversaries on Lok, one of the original ten playable planets, and also as part of a beginner quest on Tansarii Point Station.